Reddit KPIs Helping You to Succeed

Estimated read time 5 min read

What Reddit KPIs should you be tracking to help improve website traffic and online sales? Reddit has a unique potential to be the dark horse of social media marketing in 2021. The amount of traffic Reddit receives is comparable to Twitter and LinkedIn, yet it’s still one of the Internet’s best-kept marketing secrets.

“That Hansel Reddit is so hot right now.” – Mugatu

In this article, we’re going to make things simple. Reddit users are intelligent and will call you out or blacklist your account if you are not using the right “reddiquette“. If you plan on marketing your brand or business on Reddit, the information below will help guide you down the right path.

What many marketers overlook is that Reddit users trust the opinions of their community. If your product or service is great and you really are trying to help solve a problem people have, your ad and website traffic will do well. Many people already use Reddit as a resource for product reviews.

*To learn more about advertising on Reddit, please visit their website.

Engagement & Participation

Join subreddit communities that discuss specific topics relating to your interests. Use the Reddit search bar to choose from over 130K different self-started communities. Next, click “join”, and then begin to interact with them so you know what they do and don’t like. Create new content based on your research, with the intent for people to engage in problem-solving strategies, educational content, and more.

Be yourself and act “normal”; people can tell if you’re putting out marketing content with the intent to sell. Don’t add links if they are not useful and directs Reddit users to be spammed with “join my newsletter” pop-ups upon arrival. There are some Reddit-acronyms you’ll need to familiarize yourself with (here is an official Reddit infographic PDF giving a quick rundown of the platform):

  • AMA = “Ask Me Anything”
  • ELI5 = “Explain Like I’m 5”  [years old]
  • [OC] = “Orginal Content”
  • OP = “Original Poster”  [the account/person who made the post]
  • TIL = “Today I Learned”
  • TL;DR = ” Too Long; Didn’t Read”

Analyzing Reddit KPIs

AMA Participation – AMAs intent is to bring in an authoritative figure to engage in a Q&A on a topic specific to the subreddit community. How many AMAs did you participate in? Track your monthly count; you may see it results in positive brand awareness, including more followers and karma.

Comments – The comments section is a hidden gem! Here you get to engage with people on Reddit and collect FAQs. It goes without saying… please remember to answer most, if not all, comments.

*Organize Technology Tip: What a lot of marketing agencies/people won’t tell you is that FAQs are a great way to create content. If you find, research, and answer people’s problems – you provide value

Cost per Mille [CPM] –  When advertising on Reddit, you are charged based on the cost of 1,000 impressions. Measure your ROI for advertising on Reddit with this metric. To increase the odds your ad will perform well, don’t be too sales-y and have a special offer/promotion available for your targeted demographic audience.

Followers – How many people followed you? Track your monthly increase in followers. Was the spike/decline a cause of your recent engagement or something you posted?

Karma – Think of Karma as your ‘engagement score’. How many upvotes did you receive? Track your monthly progress to see how your interactions are going within the community. If your karma score is not improving, try switching things up and engaging more.

“A user’s karma reflects how much a user has contributed to the Reddit community by an approximate indication of the total votes a user has earned on their submissions (“post karma”) and comments (“comment karma”). When posts or comments get upvoted, that user further gains some karma. You can see how much karma a user has on their profile page.” – 

Posts – How many posts did you create? How has this affected your karma, following, and website traffic? If your posts are lacking engagement and upvotes, consider changing your message. Count the number of branded vs. non-branded posts you create and find the magic split that works best for you.

Website Traffic Referrals – How many visitors did your website receive from Reddit? Be sure to check your Google Analytics. Perhaps your engagement on Reddit is impacting the number of visitors your website receives.


The main takeaway from this Reddit KPIs article should be to adhere to your target audience’s interests. If you copy & paste the same advertising content you use on other social media platforms, it will not perform well. If you’re on Reddit for the right reasons, your brand should take off in no time and you will have an engaged audience backing you! Unique communities require

Reddit KPIs Helping You to Succeed

In addition to Reddit, would you like to further grow your social media presence in 2021? Read our other latest social media article on the top TikTok KPIs You Should Follow!

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