How to Improve Your Patience and Practicality

Estimated read time 7 min read

Welcome to the path of developing both patience and practicality. These two qualities are essential for success in many areas of life and are highly valued in both personal and professional settings.

  • Patience involves the ability to wait for things to happen, to deal with delays and obstacles, and to maintain a positive attitude even when things are difficult.
  • Practicality means making realistic decisions while considering resources and limitations. Improving requires mindset changes, learning, practice, and seeking feedback.

Putting in the effort to develop these qualities will lead your way to success and satisfaction in life.

Improved Practicality

What’s the Difference?

Patience and practicality are two distinct personality traits that refer to how people approach challenges and decision-making. Both patience and practicality are valuable traits to have, and whether one is “better” than the other depends on the context and situation. In some cases, having patience is more important, such as when dealing with a difficult problem that requires a lot of time and effort to solve. Patience allows one to stay calm and focused, and to persist in finding a solution even when things get tough.

On the other hand, in other situations, practicality may be more important. For example, when making decisions in a time-sensitive situation, practicality allows one to quickly assess the situation and make an informed decision that gets results. In general, a balance between patience and practicality is often the best approach. Having a mix of both traits allows one to be patient when necessary, while also being able to make quick and effective decisions when the situation calls for it.


Patience refers to the ability to remain calm and composed in the face of frustration or adversity. Patient people can delay gratification and are less likely to become angry or frustrated when things don’t go as planned. They can maintain a sense of perspective and can see the bigger picture.

No Patience

Individuals without patience often face the following challenges:

  • Impulsiveness: They may act without thinking things through and make impulsive decisions that they later regret.
  • Frustration: They may easily become frustrated and discouraged when things don’t go as planned, leading to decreased motivation and decreased productivity.
  • Difficulty dealing with delays: They may have a hard time waiting for things to happen or for results to occur, leading to feelings of impatience and annoyance.
  • Anger and irritation: They may have a quick temper and be prone to anger and irritation, which can harm their relationships and negatively impact their personal and professional lives.
  • Impairment of problem-solving skills: They may have trouble thinking through complex problems and may give up easily, which can reduce their ability to find creative and effective solutions.
  • Stress and anxiety: They may experience stress and anxiety as a result of their lack of patience, which can impact their physical and mental well-being.

In summary, a lack of patience can lead to impulsive behavior, frustration, difficulty dealing with delays, anger, impaired problem-solving skills, and increased stress and anxiety.

How to Improve Your Patience

How to Improve Your Patience and Practicality

Here are three steps that individuals without patience can take to improve:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can help to increase patience by training the mind to focus on the present moment and to let go of distractions and negative thoughts.
  2. Set achievable goals: Setting achievable goals and breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones can help individuals feel a sense of accomplishment and reduce feelings of frustration and discouragement.
  3. Change perspective: Changing one’s perspective on a situation can help to increase patience. Instead of focusing on the delays or obstacles, try to focus on the benefits of waiting and the long-term outcomes.

Improved Patience

Additionally, other steps that can help include learning relaxation techniques, managing stress, and engaging in physical activity to release pent-up energy. It’s also helpful to cultivate positive relationships and to surround oneself with supportive and patient individuals who can serve as positive role models. With consistent effort and practice, it is possible to develop greater patience and reduce feelings of impulsiveness and frustration.


Practicality refers to the ability to approach problems and challenges with a down-to-earth and common-sense approach. Practical people are focused on finding practical solutions to problems, rather than idealistic or theoretical ones. They can assess a situation and find the most efficient and effective way to get things done.

Not Practical

Individuals without practicality often face the following challenges…

  • Idealism: They may have unrealistic expectations and be focused on idealistic solutions that are difficult to achieve in the real world.
  • Inefficiency: They may struggle with prioritizing tasks and making the most of their time, leading to inefficiency and a lack of productivity.
  • Difficulty making decisions: They may have trouble making practical decisions that are grounded in reality, and may instead pursue abstract or theoretical solutions.
  • Difficulty adapting to change: They may have trouble adapting to new circumstances and changing situations, and may struggle to find practical solutions.
  • Financial difficulties: They may struggle with managing money and making smart financial decisions, leading to financial difficulties and debt.
  • Poor problem-solving skills: They may have trouble finding practical solutions to problems and may struggle to implement their ideas in the real world.

In summary, a lack of practicality can lead to idealism, inefficiency, difficulty making decisions, difficulty adapting to change, financial difficulties, and poor problem-solving skills.

How to Improve Your Practicality

How to Improve Your Patience and Practicality

Here are three steps that individuals without practicality can take to improve:

  1. Seek out practical examples: Look for real-life examples of practical solutions to problems and try to understand how they were implemented.
  2. Prioritize and plan: Set realistic and achievable goals and prioritize tasks based on their level of importance. Make a plan for how to achieve these goals, taking into account the resources and time available.
  3. Seek feedback and advice: Ask for feedback from others and seek advice from practical, experienced individuals. This can help to provide a different perspective and to gain a better understanding of practical solutions and approaches.

How to Improve Your Patience and Practicality

Additionally, other steps that can help include learning and practicing financial management, taking courses or workshops in practical skills, and seeking out mentorship or coaching from practical individuals. With effort and practice, it is possible to develop greater practicality and to improve problem-solving skills and decision-making abilities.


In conclusion, it’s never too late to develop patience and practicality. These qualities are essential for success and happiness in life, and with the right mindset, learning, and effort, anyone can make improvements. Whether it’s through seeking out advice, taking courses, or practicing new skills, every step you take toward improving patience and practicality will bring you closer to your goals. Remember, progress is not always linear, but with persistence and dedication, you can achieve great things. So, embrace this opportunity to grow and develop, and know that your hard work will pay off in the long run.

Online Resources

Here are three of the top Internet resources for decision-making:

  • Harvard Business Review: HBR provides articles, podcasts, and videos on decision-making and problem-solving, written by experts in the field. Their resources cover a wide range of topics and provide practical tips and insights.
  • Kahn Academy: This is a non-profit educational organization that offers free online courses in decision-making and problem-solving. Their courses are comprehensive and cover a variety of decision-making frameworks, methods, and techniques.
  • Mind Tools: Mind Tools provides articles, videos, and tools on decision-making and problem-solving, including decision-making models, tools for analyzing situations, and tips for overcoming common challenges. Their resources are designed to be accessible and easy to use, and they cover a wide range of decision-making topics.

Each of these resources provides valuable insights, tips, and practical guidance for anyone looking to improve their decision-making skills and abilities. Whether you are just starting to learn about decision-making or are looking to take your skills to the next level, these resources are a great place to start.


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